Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 5:1-7
“What more could have been done to my vineyard that I have not done to it? When I expected it to bring forth good grapes, it bring forth wild grapes?” (v4)
A vineyard is a land planted with grapevine seeds that produce grapes which are used in making vine. These are temperate climate products, not tropical, which explains why mention is made of them, both in the Old and New Testament books. However, spiritually, “vineyard” represents or symbolizes the chosen people of God – Israel, as seen in our Today’s reading in V7, and in Ps 80:8-15. Also, it refers to the kingdom of God, as highlighted in the teachings of Jesus in Matt 21: 28-44; Mk 12:1-10, Luke 20:9-16. In the New Testament, Jesus presented himself as the true Vine and his Father as the vinedresser and believers as the branches of the vine (John 15:1-2). In our days, vineyard is said to represent any field of service in which soul winners seek to sow the seed of the Word of God. Also, believers who are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own special people (1 Peter 2:9) can be regarded as God’s vineyard.
What is God’s expectation from his Vineyard? The resounding answer is portrayed and spoken by God and Jesus in all above Scriptures, which is – “Fruitfulness”, that is, good fruit-bearing. In verse two of our Today’s reading, it is written that the owner of the vineyard expected it to bring forth good grapes. Apostle John in John 15:2 wrote of what Jesus said about the branch on him- “…every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit”. It is important to note that the expectation of the vineyard owner – God, is justifiable. In verse two of our Today’s teaching, it is said that the vineyard was dug, cleared of its stones, planted with choicest vine, i.e. labored on. In V4, He questioned that what more could have been done to his vineyard that He did not do to it? Ultimately, a vineyard is expected to glorify God through its fruitfulness (John 15:8). Jesus confirmed it in John 15:16 that He chose us to bear fruits. Unfortunately, from our Today’s reading verse two, the expectation was not met. Rather than good grapes, wild grapes were produced.
The question is how can one be fruitful or bear good fruits? It is pertinent to mention that unfruitfulness or bearing wild or bad fruits has bad consequences. For instance, in verse 5-6, it is written that the hedge of the vineyard would be taken away, burnt and the wall round it would be broken down and trampled down and would be laid waste. I would not be pruned or dug, so briers and thorns would grow on it, no rain would be commanded on it. Jesus said in John 15:2 that any branch that does not bear fruit, He will take away, cast out and burnt in fire. To bear good fruits, Jesus confirms to a believer that without him, he/she can do nothing. He then commands that he/she should abide in him, as the branch on the vine. He says “he/she who abides in him and He in him/her bears much fruit (v. 5). Furthermore, the fruitful believer is to ensure that the Word of God abides in him/her continuously. He/she should be ready for pruning continuously, so that more fruit is produced. The commandments of God should be well kept, as reflected in total obedience to the word. The Great Commission should be taken seriously, as souls won represent fruits.
Some of the benefits of bearing fruit as a believer include:
If you ask what you desire, it shall be done for you by God (John 15:7)
the joy of the Lord will remain in you and will be full (v. 11)
you will be the Lord’s friend and whatever you ask the Father in Jesus’ name He will give you (v. 16).
As a true believer, you are to bear fruit in order to meet God’s expectation and reap all the benefits promised through Jesus.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud, “Father, I acknowledge my sins against you. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank You Lord.”
If you said the prayer, I Congratulations you! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident priest or pastor.
Father, we thank you for choosing us as your vineyard on earth.
Lord Jesus, please make us fruitful as branches on You, the True Vine.
Our Lord and Saviour, help us to yield more fruits as You continuously prune us.
Father, help the church to arise to be greatly fruitful, so that it will impart the world.
Father, may our nation enjoy bountiful fruit-bearing Christians to glorify God.