Today’s Reading:
Psalm 119:17-24 (24) "Do good to your servant, and I will still live; I will obey your word." (v.25 NIV)

The word of God comes to us in different forms: when we listen to scriptural preaching; when we read the Bible; through songs; study groups; devotional materials, all these bring Bible truths of God. Also, through our personal study and meditation on the word of God. When the word of God is within us, it flows out of our lives in our actions and speeches. Devotion to and living out the word of God marks us as children of God; and alienates, separates us from the world. Out of gratitude for God’s care and blessing, we should obey the law of God.
Like a foreigner in a hostile territory, we need the word of God to guide us through our dark world that is full of wickedness. Only the Lord when we please him with a full obedient life, can remove adversaries and enable us to see the wonderful truths in his instructions. When we meditate on the instructions of God, it gives us wise counsel.
Our goal in our Christian journey, should be to live according to the status of God. By this we have great comfort and strength, knowing that we are on the path of God's righteousness. Committing ourselves to the word of God is our source of abundance of life, vision and guidance. The psalmist felt himself a stranger here on earth, in the midst of those who do not have God, who do evil, because of his devotion to the word of God. This is why he needed the counsel and guidance in the word of God. It is only through devotion to the word of God that we can overcome those mocking God in situations of our lives.
Also, when the Holy Spirit through the word of God teaches, instructs, convicts empowers and purifies us, we will gain understanding, repentance, renewal and growth in the maturity of Christ. According to Philip Jacob Spencer, " The more at home the word of God is among us, the more we will bring about faith and its lasting fruits."
Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe
Prayer: 1. Father, any time I come to your presence, let your word be my guide and rule; let your Holy Spirit teach me and let your glory overwhelm me, in Jesus name.
2. Father open my eyes to see and my heart to understanding the spiritual truths in your instructions, in Jesus name.
3. Father fill me with your discerning spirit, in Jesus name.
4. Father uproot everything you have not planted in your church and revive your Pentecostal fire and power in Jesus name.
5. Father, thank you for sustaining Nigeria with your power and fire. Give our leaders fresh inspiration, understanding and direction to move the nation forward to the next level. Let there be peace and harmony of purpose, in Jesus name. Amen.