Today’s Reading:
Genesis 27 vs 1-17

In the above scripture, we read the account of how Jacob conspired with his mother to steal the blessings meant for his brother Esau. By tradition in those days, the oldest son receives the blessings of his father. It was his birth-right. Esau was the older of the two boys. Jacob was, however, the mother's favourite.
The question you will ask is this; why did the plot succeed? The answer will be found in Genesis 25:29-34, when Esau sold his birth-right to Jacob for a bowl of pottage. The Bible records that Esau was very hungry and met his brother Jacob who had just prepared a delicious pot of pottage.
He requested for some, and Jacob demanded for his birth-right in exchange. Esau sold it off out of desperation to eat. The Bible records that he despised his birth-right, and this was recorded in the spirit realm. Since the spiritual controls the physical, it was obvious that the plan would succeed. Many Christians today have sold off their birth-right as children of God over a bowl of pottage as represented by the cares of this life. The day you gave your life to Christ, you automatically begin to enjoy the following birth-right as a child of God, and as co-heir with our Lord Jesus Christ:
Eternal life
Spiritual authority
Divine health Divine prosperity
Dominion over forces of darkness.
Many have sold their birth-right to every manner of sin like:
Sexual immorality
Worldliness of all kinds.
Today you have an opportunity to cry to God to restore your birth-right as His child. He is ever ready to listen and forgive genuine repentance. Esau cried for restoration that never came as we see in subsequent verses of Genesis 27.
Sing aloud to God our strength; Make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob.
My Father, forgive me of every sin I have committed that has resulted in my losing my birth-right, in the name of Jesus.
Lord restore back to me, my lost birth-right, in the name of Jesus
Powers contending for my birth-right, die in the name of Jesus.
God restore the church to its rightful place, in the name of Jesus
Powers contending for the peace of Nigeria, die in the name of Jesus.