Today’s Reading:
The great apostle Peter in his letter to us this day would be amazed if he was alive to see how relevant this same letter was written thousands of years ago is today, that the situation is even more terrible than he imagined. The unrelenting and restless devil and it is agents are still ravaging and corrupting human minds and their existence.
As hard as it is to admit the level of decadence in Christendom where general overseers of different denominations engage one another in the war of words; where respected church leaders are exposed for going to politicians to beg for contracts or money. Today, general overseers are arrested for taking over their members wives, church owner who rapes both members and minors or those caught with diabolic instruments or arrested and sentenced for maltreatment of members or for a member who got missing without leaving the church. '“What sorrow awaits the leaders of my people—the shepherds of my sheep—for they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for,” says the Lord ( Jeremiah23:1 NLT).
The admonition is to the church of God to lay aside, remove, destroy the spirit of malice, greed, hypocrisy, envy, covetousness, unkindness, and evil speaking but that we should run the race set before us with patience while looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrew 2:1-2)
Our one and all-time enemy the devil knows that his end is nearer and so he is looking for more people to tie to himself, also the scripture was emphatic about this: "And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold."( Matthew 24:10-12 NLT ).
But in this new day decide as a newborn babe to be determined more than ever to crave, thirst for undiluted words of God for your good spiritual growth to be able to experience God in a new dimension.
Benefits for godly lifestyle: (Proverbs 8:32-36)
As you listen and follow, joyfulness is yours
As you listen to His instructions, you will become wise.
As you wait on Him, you will find life and receive favour But those who run ahead and wait not will miss the road and get injured and those who hate Him love death.
Thank you, Lord, for life, for health, and safety through your word, in Jesus name.
Daddy, give me the grace to fix my gaze on you, remove from my path costly distraction from the enemy, in Jesus name.
Lord, give me the grace to trust and obey your word that I may be wise and joyful, in Jesus name.
Lord, help me to love you more that I may find life and not death for your life is the light of men, in Jesus name.
Heavenly King, I ask that your light will shine upon Nigeria and every demonic power shall be exposed and defeated, in Jesus name.