Today’s Reading:
1Peter 1:13-16
“Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (v.16)

The word “holy” means to be separate. When applied to God, it points to His transcendence, that He is above and beyond His creation in such a way as to be distinct from it. Contained in the word is the notion of God’s purity, that He is totally separate from all sin. When God calls us to holiness, it means that we are to be set apart from the world unto God, separate from all sin. But since sin dwells in the very core of our being as fallen creatures, how can we ever hope to be holy?
There are three senses in which we are holy (or “sanctified”) as God’s people. The moment we put our faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour, we are positioned sanctified or set apart unto God. Then we must be progressively sanctified by growing in holiness. This process will not be complete as long as we are in this body, but we must actively work at it (Gal. 5:16; Rom. 8:13). When we meet the Lord, we will be perfectly sanctified, made completely like Him (1 John 3:2). We need to know that you cannot get to heaven by striving to be holy. Good works cannot pay the penalty for our sins. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can satisfy the justice of God. We must put our trust in Him, not in our good works. But, if our faith in Christ to save us is genuine, it will result in a life of progressive holiness. If a person is not striving against sin and seeking to grow in holiness, it is doubtful whether his faith was saving faith. Scripture says, “Without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14, NIV).
Let me make it plain at the outset that you cannot get to heaven by striving to be holy. Good works cannot pay the penalty for our sins. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can satisfy the justice of God. We must put our trust in Him, not in our good works. But, if our faith in Christ to save us is genuine, it will result in a life of progressive holiness. If a person is not striving against sin and seeking to grow in holiness, it is doubtful whether his faith was saving faith. Scripture says, “Without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14, NIV).
Peter shows us three ways that we can be developing a holy lifestyle as those who have trusted in Christ:
To be holy people, we must be focused on Christ’s coming (1:13).
To be holy people, we must be obedient to the Father in all of life (1:14, 15b).
To be holy people, we must be growing in our personal knowledge of God’s holiness (1:15, 16).
Today I am probably speaking to some whom God is calling to repent of sin and put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. I may be speaking to others who are faking the Christian life outwardly, but inwardly, you’re not living in holiness. You’re not dealing with sin in your thought life. It’s only a matter of time until you fall outwardly. I may be speaking to yet others who have fallen outwardly. Your life is not right before God, even though you profess to know Christ as Savior.
O Lord, I confess all my known and unknown sin, in Jesus name.
Father, I receive grace not to go back into those sin again and be separated for you alone, in Jesus name
O Lord Let me be able to focus on Christ’s coming, in Jesus name.
In my life I receive the grace to be obedience to you always, in Jesus name.
Father, l receive power to grow in personal knowledge of God’s holiness, in Jesus name.