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Desire the Spiritual Milk

Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Reading:

1 Peter 2:2-10

"Like new-born babies, crave pure spiritual milk so that by it you may grow up in your salvation."



The word of God is similar to the baby food or breast milk which a baby needs to grow at the early stage in life. The importance of the word of God to the spiritual health of believers in Christ cannot be overemphasised. Pure milk is especially important to the physical growth of a newly born baby otherwise, such baby may be experiencing malnutrition. Again, lack of balance diet may equally lead to malnutrition It could also result to physical deformity.

Similarly, so many Christians are not growing spiritually due to spiritual malnutrition. This is due to lack of regular and adequate time to daily study and meditate in the word of God. The word of God serves as believers spiritual food (Job 23:13); spiritual light that guides your daily walk in Christ (Psalm 119:105); Spiritual weapon of defence against Satan's attack (Matthew 4:3-11). It releases faith into our lives (Romans 10:17). The word of God serves as the spiritual compass which gives direction for daily living. As the body needs physical food for physical growth, so also the word of God which is the spiritual food enhances spiritual growth.

The will of God for every situation is embedded in His word. You can only unravel God's secret through His word. Strength and encouragement to overcome challenges of life is also embedded in the word God. To live above sin and live a life pleasing to God (Psalm 119:11) you need God's word. As a way of summary, your level of spiritual growth is dependent on how much of God's word you hear; the volume of time you spend in reading it; the amount of time you invest in studying it; your commitment to meditation for inspiration; and your level obedience to the word.

Many Christians have allowed social media, Television programmes and other non-essential activities to take the place of personal study of the word.

This is a challenge for you to examine yourself, review your life vis-a-vis the study of the Word of God and ask the Lord to forgive you where you err. Begin afresh by setting a regular time daily to passionately meet with the Lord through His word. " How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word." Psalm 119:9.




  1. Father turn my sorrow to joy and give me a new song to sing, in Jesus name.

  2. Father increase my daily commitment to your word, in Jesus name.

  3. Father empower Christian family to begin to live in obedience to your word, in Jesus name.

  4. Father, inspire and increase the commitment of our spiritual leaders to preaching the undiluted words from your altar, in Jesus name.

  5. Father let your fire of revival falls on our land, in Jesus name.

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