Today’s Reading:
Number 11:25-29
“But Moses replied, ”are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them” (v. 29)
A Prophet is someone who receives a divine message and speaks it to other human beings, on behalf of a deity. It is common knowledge that not all prophets are of God, as the Scriptures speak widely, especially in the Old Testament, about false prophets. A Prophet of God also called a “seer”, is inspired by God, through the Holy Spirit, to deliver a divine message. It is then said that the prophet prophesies.
Prophecy is one of the spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit, as listed in 1Cor.12:8-10. It is said that the Spirit distributes them to each person, as he determines (VII). In v7, it is explained that the manifestation of the Spirit, through these gifts, is given for the common good of everyone. They are not to be personalized, but to be used to build up (edify) the other believers, that is, the Church.
Essentially, the specific functions of Prophecies are:
· To strengthen believers (1Cor.14:3)
· To encourage believers “
· To build up (edify) believers “
· To comfort believers (1Cor 14:3)
· To convict believers of sins (1Cor 14:24)
The Scripture confirms in 1Cor. 14:22b, that prophecies are not for unbelievers, but for believers.
From above, the benefits of prophecies to the believers are very significant, and more so to the entire Church.
No wonder that Moses, in our Today’s reading in verse 29 expressly wished that all people should be Prophets. This is backed up by Apostle Paul who challenged the believers in Corinth then, to follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy ( 1 Cor.14:1). He further on in V31 said they can all prophecy in turn, so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. He finally in V39 said they should be eager to prophesy, and not forbid speaking in tongues. The question then is - how does one get this gift of prophecy from God? In Today’s reading V21, Moses finished the verse by saying that he wished that the Lord would put his Spirit on the people. This was in the Old Testament days of Moses. Gladly enough, Moses’ wish was met on the day of Pentecost, in the New Testament days (Acts 2), when the Holy Spirit came upon over 3,000 people at once. Subsequently, as the Gospel spread, the Apostles led people who believed, to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, the Spirit gave and he is still giving people his gifts, earlier mentioned (1Cor12:8-10), including the gift of prophecy.
In our days, the Holy Spirit is received, including his gifts, just by desiring it genuinely and asking the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul emphasizes that one should be eager for it. God gives us the desires of our hearts, as believers (Ps 37:4), especially when they are according to his will (1John 5:14). When one desires the gift and asks by faith, it is given by the Holy Spirit. The gift of Prophecy is considered one of the best gifts.
Father, thank you for gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name.
Father, please open our eyes to the beauty of your gifts, especially that of prophecy, in Jesus name.
O Lord, we receive by faith one of the best gifts, that is, prophecy, in Jesus name.
Father, stir the hearts of believers to desire and be encouraged to ask for the gift of prophecy, by faith, in Jesus name.
Father, raise many prophets among believers so that the Church can be greatly built up, in Jesus name.