Today’s Reading:
2Thessalonians 3:1-5
“Finally, brothers and sisters, pray continually for us, that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be honoured [triumphantly celebrated and glorified], just as it was with you; 2) and [pray] that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not everyone has the faith. 3) But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you [setting you on a firm foundation] and will protect and guard you from the evil one. 4) We have confidence in the Lord concerning you, that you are doing and will continue to do the things [which] we command. 5) May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness and patience of Christ.”
(2Thessalonians 3:1-5, Amplified Version)

Early in His ministry, when Jesus sent out His disciples ahead of Himself to go and preach about the kingdom of heaven;' he was aware of the dangers and challenges that would confront them. And so, He gave them the power to cast out unclean spirits, to heal all manner of sickness and diseases (Matt.10). In Matthew 28 before His final ascension into heaven, Jesus gave the assurance that all power in heaven and in the earth has been given to Him. Then He gave the Great Commission to the disciples, His followers, and all who would later believe through them, ‘to go into the world, preach the gospel, baptise in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and teach the people to obey His commands. He assured that His zeal would back them up till the end of the age’ (vv. 18-20).
Gospel according to Mark 16 gave a fuller report of the commission - to preach the gospel to all creatures. Only those who believe, acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Saviour, that is, gave their lives to Jesus, and are baptised would be saved, but whoever does not, shall be damned. And to those who believe, signs and wonders shall follow them - the Holy Spirit would empower them to cast out devils, in the name of Jesus; the Spirit would give the gift of new tongues; if they take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. The word of God is true, and it abides forever, even while everything else fades away.
Jesus knew the perils; the dangers and the challenges believers would face in following Him and in carrying out this commission. That is why He cautioned that he is sending Christians forth ‘as sheep in the midst of wolves and so ‘we must be wise as serpents and be harmless as doves’ (Mt. 10:16). Knowing that this commission can only be done by the power, and wisdom of God, He asked His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were baptised with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). The same goes with all Christians and those embarking on special tasks for Jesus Christ; we have to be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit, with wisdom, with revelation, and with the fire of God in order to function effectively. We must have our spiritual eyes and ears clearly opened. Going out into the world without being adequately equipped, is like walking into the slaughterhouse to be killed. Jesus warned that being associated with His name alone, would create enmity with the world, and to be on mission is even worse. There are people in the world that ordinarily hate anything Christian to the extent that they can kill or do anything to destroy. They are all out to bring down anyone with the call of God in the ministry and make him or her fail or derail. They are after the glory and honour of God (Ps 8:5) in a Christian’s life in order to tannish it or drown it. But whoever patiently persevere and endure to the end shall be saved, and not a hair from his or her head will perish. Jesus assures us that through love, by patient endurance, and by the power of the Holy Spirit shall we be able to win souls into His kingdom (1Sam. 14:45; Mt. 1022; Lk 21:17-38; Jn 15:18-27).
Several things can hinder the Holy Spirit and make the power of God none effective in a Christian or a worker’s life:
a) Sin is sin
b) being entangled with the affairs of this world and lusting after pleasures of the world
c) disobedience to the command of God
d) the love of money and fame
e) wrestling with spiritual powers without the strength and might of God (Eph. 6:10-18)
f) living a careless and carefree spiritual life.
To survive both spiritual and human agents satanic attacked:
1) We must die to our old human nature – sin with its tentacles - wickedness
2) Put on the whole armour of God
3) Have strong and active faith in God
4) Be able to pray all manner of prayer - asking always for grace, mercy, and favour; interceding for others, especially working in the vineyard, and perishing souls
5) Study the word of God to recognise the pitfalls and tricks of the devil
6) Learn warfare prayer from warfare verses in the Bible
7) Depend completely on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith for help, rescue, deliverance, direction, provision, and protection
8) The spiritual threats should not be taken lightly.
9) Memorise verses of the scriptures which is the sword of the spirit for combatting the onslaught of the devil.
10) Iron sharpens iron – associate with tried and proven men and women in the faith.
11) Practice what you read in the Scriptures and what we are taught by our spiritual leaders.
12) Safeguard our hearts with all diligence because it is the first battlefield of the devil.
13) Make use of the blood of Jesus always; And lastly.
14) Wear love and forgiveness as a garment always.
Father, thank You for the consciousness that You are ever so faithful, and that You strengthen me, set me on a firm foundation, and guard me against perverse, unreasonable, and evil people, in Jesus name.
My Father! fill me with Your love, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, the unction to function effectively in the ministry always, and let Your Word go forth with power and Your zeal, in Jesus name.
Father, let the gospel of truth spread rapidly, and wherever it is preached, let it be honoured, triumphantly accepted, celebrated, and glorified, in Jesus name.
Father Lord, as we proclaim Your gospel and carry out Your command deliver us from peril, protect us and our families from perverse and evil people and every danger, in Jesus name.
Father fill Your Church with Your love and endow her with all the resources to function to the glory of God, in Jesus name.
Mighty God! use the situation in our nations to increase, populate, and strengthen Your Kingdom, in Jesus name.