Today’s Reading:
“For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the Holy commandment delivered unto them” (v.21)

“The way of righteousness” is the path or road to God, who is the righteousness of the believer. No man can be righteous before God, but He imputed his righteousness to believers through Jesus Christ his Son. It is gotten through faith in Jesus Christ.
Righteousness refers to uprightness, right relationship, a state of or quality of being correct and justifiable. Since no man can be righteous in God’s eyes, He has made a provision for man to obtain his and this same righteousness, through Jesus Christ his Son. This results from the gift of salvation, as one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, after confession of sins, receiving forgiveness and surrendering to his Lordship. The ultimate goal is reconciliation with God, after the Adamic fall inherited at birth by all mankind, is done away with (Ps. 51.5). Thereafter, one is qualified and free to walk the way of righteousness, by God’s side, striving to be committed, loyal and faithful to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit, who is also given to the person at this point.
However, to do otherwise will amount to turning from or away from the way of righteousness. First, let us consider the benefits/outcome to a believer of walking in the way of righteousness.
In our Today’s Reading in verse 20, the person is said to have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savour, Jesus Christ.
In verse 9, it says the person is delivered out of temptation by Go
In Hebrew 6:4, it is said that the person has been enlightened, and has tasted of the heavenly gift, and made partaker of the Holy Spirit.
In Hebrew 6: 5, it is said that the person has tasted the good word of God and the power of the world to come, that is, eternity with God.
What are the results of turning from the way of righteousness? In our Today’s Reading, we read that such a person is:
estranged in the world system and its pollution
overcome by sin
in bondage
deceived of false liberty
gone astray
and said to be like a dog that has turned to its own vomit again or the sow that was washed, turned to wallow in the mire.
This turning away from righteousness can also be called “falling away” (Heb. 6:6). The ultimate danger that can be experienced from turning from the way of righteousness include: The person’s latter end will be worse than the beginning (v 20) and can be reserved for judgement or punishment, or even cast down to hell. Sadly, in Heb. 6:4, it is written that it is impossible for such a person to be renewed again to repentance, seeing that he crucifies to himself the Son of God afresh, and putting him to an open shame. This amounts to taking the righteousness and grace of God and his Son, Jesus Christ in vain.
May their sacrifices not be wasted on us as believers in Jesus name. We should constantly and consciously ask God for grace to continue to walk and not turn from the way of righteousness.
Father, we thank you for making a way for us to be reconciled with you, through the sacrifice of Christ.
Precious Lord, thank you for taking our punishment and bringing us back to the Father.
O Lord, thank you for the gift of salvation to us individually and collectively as believers.
Father, thank you for giving us your righteousness through your Son, Jesus Christ.
Father, please ensure that we do not throw away or take your righteousness in vain.
Lord Jesus, help us individually and as the Church to be focused and continue to walk the way of righteousness.
Father, let your righteousness pervade our nation, as the Church starts to show the way rightly.