Today’s Reading:
1Corinthians 9:26-27
“So, I run with purpose in every step, I am not just shadowboxing. 27I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.” (1Corin. 9:26-27)
Paul tells us that although he had the freedom to do whatever pleases him (vv. 19-27); but he chooses to live a strict, self-disciplined life, and he abstained from various forms of indulgence (vv. 24-27). Our Christian living involves both a life of liberty and discipline in order to win the race of the faith of salvation. Our goals should be to glorify God and to lead others to Christ. While strictly disciplining ourselves towards our goal, we should steer clear of any philosophical issues that might entangle us to side-track. Both liberty and disciplined lifestyles are important tools to use in the service of God. This is why Paul urges the Corinthian Christians to exercise self-control, discipline the body, and run the race of faith with Eternal Life in view.
Paul talked about his use of freedom and discipline in his ministry in order to be focused because he is aware of the possibility of failure. There is a right standard of the proclamation of the gospel of truth, all pointing to our sinful nature. Sin in the ministry is usually misunderstood with grace. It is possible for heaven to demote or disqualify one from effective place in public ministration because of the sin of immorality, carelessness, and ignorance.
In self-discipline, we need to truthfully observe our strengths and weaknesses, with much emphasis on our weaknesses, with a mind to build a strong willpower to say No, to temptation. Example of this is being able to say no, to situations or companies that may lead us away from Christ that we profess. Be able to say no to sexual temptations. Knowing that self-discipline, a long steady course in learning attitudes, does not come that easily and will not channel our natural appetites towards God’s purposes. In order not to forfeit our privilege of telling others about Christ – we must be careful to practice what we preach. No matter how attractive this may seem, we should be able to shun gifts that will sear or silence our conscience from telling the truth as we should. Jesus asked us to seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and ‘every other thing’ will be added to us (Matt. 6:33). Other people’s affluence should not be a yardstick for us in the service of God. The righteous and their family shall never be forsaken, and they will never lack any good thing (Ps. 37:25). Our God is a faithful God, though the path may not be smooth, still the Good Shepherd is there to lead us, encourage us and strengthen us to the end.
Our focus should be on pleasing Master Jesus and matters of Eternal life, that will equip us with vigour and strength to meet the challenges of ministry and in our world: i) Be conscious of sin, confess it, repent and ask for mercy of God; ii) Be a prayer addict, be able to pray all manner of prayers, including intercession and pray in the spirit; iii) memorise verses of the Bible as our offensive and defensive weapon to destroy the fiery darts of the enemy, daily study and meditate on the Scriptures; iv) if our health permits, be able to fast at least once in a week or live a fasted life by not eating daily before twelve o clock; v) Always be appreciative of what God has done, is doing and will continue to do in our lives and family; vi) We should daily put on the whole armour of God because our wrestle is not with flesh and blood but against the wicked unseen forces of darkness (Eph. 6:10-19); and vii) above all, wear the garment of love.
Father thank you for our forefathers in the faith, through whom we are able to learn important issues of the Kingdom, in Jesus name.
Holy Spirit break every unbroken part of me and remould me to fit your purpose, in Jesus name.
3. Father grant me your spirit of contentment in all my aspirations in life, in Jesus name.
4. O Lord let the fire of revival fall upon your Church, encourage her, strengthen her, and unite her for the purpose for which you established her, in Jesus name.
5. Father let there be harmony of purpose, and peace in our nation, in Jesus name.