Today’s Reading:
Psalm 32:9-16
“But I trust in you, LORD, I say, You are my God.” (v: 10)

Distress is a state of stress to which a person cannot fully adapt. It is a state of discomfort and danger. According to David the Psalmist, distress is a moment of grief, anguish, groaning, rejection from friends and neighbours, hatred, and evil conspiracy from his enemies. However, David did not allow his troubles to overwhelm him. He relied on God’s mercy for deliverance and awakened his confidence in the Lord “but I trust in you... v.14a. Again, he did not allow his adversity to becloud his close relationship with God “LORD, I say you are my God” v.14b.He further surrendered himself fully to God’s divine care “My times are in your hands” v15a. He also recognised God as the great deliverer “deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me” v.15b. Your condition may be similar or even worse than David. In your moment of distress where do you go for help? Are you confused with life? Does everything seem to be working against you? Are you experiencing stagnation in your life, business, family, or marital relationship? Are you feeling lonely with no ray of hope?
You are encouraged not to lose your confidence in the midst of challenges because the Bible says “So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised,”( Heb. 10:35-36). If you can also surrender your life to Jesus, ask Him for mercy and put your trust in Him, He will care for you and give you rest from your troubles. “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Father, in the midst of my distress give me victory, in Jesus name.
Father let your light shine through every Christian family to the entire world, in Jesus name.
Father give me the grace to hold on to you in spite of my challenges, in Jesus name.
Father do not allow the gate of hell to prevail against your Church, in Jesus name.
Father, in your power deliver Nigeria from all her troubles, in Jesus name.