Today’s Reading:
Eph. 6:5-9 (Col. 3:23)
"Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord a d not for men." (Col. 3:23 AMPV)

In today's passage, Paul makes us to understand that slaves have no choice than to obey their masters. This applies to the relationship between servants and masters, employees, and employers. Our relationship with each other is to be shaped by our commitment to God and our desire to build each other up in Christ. We are to obey all those in authority over us and they in return have to respect our humanity. Except when to obey will make us violate our obedience to Christ. In Paul's day, slaves were considered to be legal properties of their masters. They were central to the life and economy of their time. But being in authority over anyone does not make us a self divinely established institution.
As believers our faith establishes a relationship that changes this nature of social structure (Phil. 1:15-16). We are to treat those under us kindly. We are all serving a Higher Master whose will is paramount. And so, whatever services we render are to be characterised by a deep desire to produce our best and sincerity of heart. We are to serve eagerly, as if serving Christ himself, even when we know it is only an earthly relationship, for it is God alone who rewards our faithfulness (Col. 3:23). God's reward is never as a result of social status.
Most events of life is full of repetition, we do a round of dull, uninspiring, lacklustre things again and again. According to a Danish philosopher Sorensen Kierkegaard, repetition is both ordinary and necessary as the ordinary bread we eat. And it is this bread that satisfies with benediction.
We are to take up each day's duty prayerfully, no matter how mundane, humble, or trivial; asking God to bless it and let it be to his good intended purpose. By this we take the most drudgeries of life and turn them into holy work, filled with unseen, eternal consequences. A willing spirit changes the most drudgery, (hard menial, or dull) duty/task into a labour of love.
Gerard Manley Hopkins, a poet once said that: "To lift up the hands in prayer gives God glory, but a man with a (pitch-fork) in his hand, or a woman with a slop pail, give Him glory too. God is so great that all things give Him glory if we intend that they should."
When we do what we do for Christ's and to the glory of God, we will be surprised at the joy and meaning we will find in the most ordinary event or task.
1. Father, Thank you for being in the dull and uneventful ordinary task I do, in a most miraculous way. May the smallest task I do lift Jesus higher and be to the glory of your name, in Jesus name.
2. Father keep me and my family as the apple of your eye; hide us under the shadow of your wings, in Jesus name.
3. Every dark prophecy, dark prayer, and dark wish against my well-being, be dashed into irreparable pieces, in Jesus name.
4. Father uproot anything in your Church that is not pleasing with you and revive your work, in Jesus name.
5. Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit, take control in our nations Lord, and inhibit the core of the helpless and hopeless in the society, in Jesus name