Today’s Reading:
2 Corinthians 6:14- 7:1
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," (2 Corinthians 6:17)

A reality story readily comes to mind, a story about a beautiful young lady from a godly home, a home set aside by God Almighty, a home of peculiar people, a home of Holy Nation, a home of a chosen generation, a home of Royal priesthood and a home that is the envy of all nations around.
She was young and very beautiful, and she was drawn to the outside world, where a young prince saw her and his soul cleaved to hers and instead of going through the right channel, he did it in the way of the world, he defiled her. She brought disgrace, shame and anger to herself and people, her destiny was forever altered, tampered with & destroyed. Unfortunately, the story ended very, very badly. A nation was destroyed because of that single act. Who was this lady??? Read about it in Genesis 34:1-5.
So, the Lord says "come out from Among them" in this 2021, so as to avoid destruction, so as to avoid shame, so as to avoid leaving the presence of God Almighty, so as to avoid leaving the protection of God. Be separated from the World and touch not the unclean things.
Not heeding this advise can spell doom and make one an easy target of defilement and destiny destruction as what happened to the lady in the story.
We cannot do this by our power and worldly wisdom. We need Jesus this year 2021, we need Jesus for guidance, we need Jesus for our salvation, we need Jesus for protection, we need Jesus for our daily provisions. We need Jesus in every department of our lives, waking or sleeping. With Jesus in our boat of 2021,we can storm the weather together, and there would be peace all around us.
A simple prayer of faith would bring Jesus into your life. Confess and repent of your sins; Ask Him to forgive you; Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, and that ushers you into a Holy nation, make you a peculiar, blessed, and favoured one.
God bless you, and see you at the top in this year 2021.
O God arise and let your light shine on me, in Jesus name.
Powers that want to program failure into my life this year, you have failed, die in Jesus name.
O Lord my Father, help me not to go away from your presence in this year 2021, in Jesus name.
Father Lord, shine your light on your church this year 2021, in Jesus name.
Father, let your mercy envelope our nation, in Jesus name.