Today’s Readings:
1 Kings 12:26-32,13:33-34
Psalm 106:6-7,19-22
Mark 8:1-10
There is only room enough for one God in your heart. All attempts to enthrone other gods in your life will utterly fail. This is the hard lesson that Jeroboam learnt when he stopped the children of Israel from worshipping God in Jerusalem. May God not allow you to fall into the unfortunate sin of idolatry in Jesus’ name. Jeroboam loved his throne more than the God who gave it to Him. He was afraid of Rehoboam whom God had stripped of a great portion of the kingdom. He set up golden calves in Bethel and Dan and made his people worship them in place of the one true God. He raised ordinary people to the ranks of priests in place of the sons of Levi who are the priestly people. For these sins of selfishness, idolatry and sacrilege, God allowed the House of Jeroboam to ruin itself and Israel was carried away into exile, never to return to this day. May God not allow you to ruin yourself by your sinful mistakes in Jesus’ name.
The most unfortunate thing you will ever do is to become a lord and master unto yourself, choosing for yourself what is right and what is wrong. Listen and observe God’s commandments. Pride, they say, goes before a fall and many have set themselves up for ruin by choosing to place other things above God. We slip into pride because we are not patient. We allow the pressure of societal expectations to get the best of us. St Scholastica tells us, “Patience is a virtue that brings peace and serenity to our souls”. Do what God has commanded and He will bless you abundantly in Jesus’ name. What are you placing above God? Is it money? Is it your spouse or your desire to get married? Is it your children? Is it your career or ambition? Check and see. If your desires and ambitions are not rooted in God, they will surely fail. If other persons or things are stealing the time you ought to give to God, there shall be a day of reckoning when all those things shall fail, and you will stand face-to-face with God. I pray you do not wait until it is too late before you change your ways.
May God grant you wisdom to place everything else at His feet for safekeeping. May He grant you a spirit of humility to do things the way He has commanded and never allow sin of any kind to rule your heart. May God set you free from the shackles of fear and ambition and fill you with trust in his unfailing mercies in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud:
Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I believe and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank You, Lord! If you said the above short prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
Heavenly Father, I hand over my life and all that I care about into Your mighty hands. I desire to place nothing above You. Help me to stay close to You always through Christ our Lord. Amen.