Today’s Reading:
Hebrew 12:3-13
"Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful, afterwards it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” (v. 11)

Virtually in all cultures of the world, chastening is employed as a mode of correction, among others. Gladly enough, it is also biblical. By nature, man is prone to offending, doing wrong things, and making mistakes, most of which arise from disobedience in one form or another. Right from after creation, the first earthly children of God, Adam and Eve, disobeyed his instruction not to eat from the Tree of Life. No wonder, humans have all inherited this nature from generation to generation. No doubt, this had and has continued to result in grievous consequences for and among mankind.
To save man from such consequences and from ultimately destroying himself, the need for restriction, restraint and correction has been put in place by and among mankind. Such means of correction include “chastening”. God also employs chastening. To chasten means: to free from faults or mistakes by punishing; to restrain or moderate wrong actions. There are many ways of chastening which include: caning (flogging) which involves the use of a cane, rod, stick and so on, beating or handling roughly; penalty; deprivation especially from something enjoyed or loved; and even scolding. Chastening also means to reduce to the right order. The ultimate goal of chastening is to bring the person concerned to the correct path. We are, therefore, advised and exhorted not to despise or even be discouraged when chastened.
In our Today’s reading in v11, it is said that chastening yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness afterwards. It is considered a way of training in obedience, perseverance, subjection, humility, and holiness. The fruit of righteousness to be gained includes virtue, wisdom, conformity to God’s will and bidding in all areas of life. Given these listed benefits to the person chastened, it is pertinent to mention that we need to have the right attitude to chastening. However, it is also important to highlight that no chastening seems to be joyful for the present (v11); it can be reproachable; can cause rejection or isolation, etc.
Given the benefits and even unpleasantness of chastening, what should be our attitudes?
Solomon in his Proverbs 3:11 advises that we should not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor detest his correction, knowing that whom the Lord loves he corrects. From our Today’s reading, we are instructed to be readily in subjection to whoever is chastening us, especially if it is God (v.7). We are also encouraged to endure (v. 7) and accept the training with a large heart (v. 11). Gladly too, we can look forward to the benefits (profits) to be gained afterwards. These include the Lord’s love (v6); recognized as a son of God (v5); and the Father deals with us as with sons (v7); who are partakers of his holiness. There are hard losses to be incurred from enduring chastening, rather, the fruit of righteousness among other benefits awaits us. The Lord and the Father are willing to help us endure any chastening due to us as true believers.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
Father, we are grateful for your love that is extended to us in every area of our lives.
Lord Jesus, please continue to teach by the Holy Spirit to appreciate and help us to endure chastening whenever we have to go through it.
Father, please open our eyes to the benefits of chastening, especially the fruit of righteousness.
Father, continue to help the church teach the members the need and how to endure chastening.
Father, please help the nation and the people to submit to chastening so that it will be well with them and the nation as a whole.