Today’s Reading:
ACTS 2: 14-24.
"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
(v. 21)

What deep assurance. So, comforting. So, assuring. So deep if you have the knowledge & understanding of what it means. Psalm 18:3 says: “I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so, shall I be saved from mine enemies.” Jeremiah 17:14. - “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.” Romans 10:13 – “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
There are many verses in the Bible with reference to calling on the name of God: Gen. 4:26; Gen.12:8: Gen.26:25; Rom. 10:13; Joel 2:32: Acts 2:21; Acts 4:12.... it goes on. Calling on someone's name denotes familiarity, closeness, it indicates personal interaction and relationship. Many of us have been in deep situations, where there was no way of escape and we had to call on the name of the Lord, and he arose and saved us. I still remember vividly how the Lord saved me & family from a house fire incident that would have consumed us. For some, it was being saved from a fatal accident, some, it was miraculous healing, some at childbirth experience that the medical team cannot explain. What is yours? Think now on what happens if brethren gather together, and call upon God's name. The children of Israel were constantly calling upon the name of God anytime they are faced with problems, difficulties and challenges. Nations rose against them, Kings detested them, but they overcame whenever they call upon the Lord.
As believers in Christ, we too can come together and call upon the name of the Lord for our family and nation. However, what gives us this Boldness in calling upon Him is our heritage in Jesus Christ. Do you know him? Have you accepted him as your Lord and saviour? You need to. And you can do it right now.
God bless.
Anything inside of me that is hindering my close relationship with God, come out and die in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus increase in me & let the flesh not have dominion over me in Jesus name.
Satan shall not write the last chapter of my life in Jesus mighty name.
Lord Jesus strengthen the body of Christ in these perilous times in Jesus name.
Whether the devil likes it or not, Christ shall reign in our nation in Jesus mighty name.