Today’s Reading:
Ps. 107:23-32 (Nahum 1:7)
"The Lord is good, A strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows [He recognizes, cares for, and understands fully] those who take refuge and trust in Him. (Nahum 1:7)

Sailors give thanks to God when He saves them from the chaos and perils at sea. The same God who speaks and brings about the sailors' distress is able to calm the storm with just a word (Jonah 1:4; Matt. 8:26). And so, their call for public praise of God is justified (vv. 23-32).
Charity Island is said to be the largest island in Saginaw Bay, in the Michigan waters of Lake Huron. For many years the island has been a lighthouse for navigational assistance and a safe harbour to those sailing its waters. And so, the island derived its name from sailors who believed it was there, "through the charity of God."
It is those who have really suffered or gone through harrowing experiences or have matured under hardship that can really appreciate God to the dept the psalmist is talking about in today's passage. Those who have truly seen God at work in times of distress will have a deeper insight into His loving kindness.
In life, we need to navigate through the sea of our troubling situations. We need guidance and a place of safety, like sailors at sea. God is the only One who can bring tranquillity to troubled waters of life and guide us safely to the harbour.
Also, the Lord is good, He acts equitably when he judges the wicked. He is a refuge to those who trust in Him (Nah. 1:7). In the midst of life's trials, challenges or tribulations, He takes them as his own and protects them (Ps. 18:2).
Even when our enemies seem to have the upper hand, and a day of trouble comes, God will intervene, and He will not give us more than we can chew.
Goodness is one of the attributes of God. So, he will always respond to our call of distress with his goodness.
While no one asks for storms in life, God uses them to teach us lessons of life and they lead us to deeper appreciation of God’s mercy goodness, guidance and refuge. They lead us to a humble submission to the authority of God. Also, God's rich goodness can lead us to repentance (Rom.2:2-4). God allows the light of His Spirit and His Word to guide our way. He leads us to the dept of the harbour of His love.
So before the day of trouble comes, let us be calm and stable in the Lord. Let us remain faithful and always be thankful for all he has done, is doing and will do in our lives. So that when trouble comes, we will still continue in Him and will not give up. Then we will be able to hold on to Jesus and draw strength from the power He supplies. Then we will be able to stand firm to the end (Eph. 6:10). The Living God is our hope, refuge, shelter and strength.
Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe
Father, encourage, enable me to seek and trust only in your light to see me through challenges of life, in Jesus name.
Whether the enemy likes it or not, I shall make heaven; I shall not serve God in vain, in Jesus name.
Father shine brighter the light of the gospel of truth through the nook and cranny of the darkness of the world, in Jesus name.
Father, uproot everything you have not planted in your church, revive your Pentecostal power and fire; reposition your church to suit your purpose, in Jesus name.
Father, thank you for sustaining the nation with your mighty presence. Bulldoze and destroy strongholds of wickedness and revive your work; Let there be love, peace, harmony of purpose and progress, in Jesus name. Amen.