Today’s Reading:
Jeremiah 22: 18-30
“I spoke to you in your prosperity, but you said I will not listen. This has been your behaviour since your youth, that you do not obey my voice.” (Jeremiah 22:21)

Jehoiakim was a king of Judah. He was the second son of King Josiah (I Chronicles 3:15) and Zebidah. He reigned for eleven years and was succeeded by his son. He was a ruthless and oppressive king. He ruled for his own selfish interest. He was so corrupt that his own people worked for him and refused to pay them. His father restored people unto God but he led people away from God.
God declared through his prophet that Jehoiakim would come to a disgraceful end; no one would lament his death. He would be disposed as a dead donkey, laid in the sun to rot. God is both a lamb and a lion. Anyone who obeys him will enjoy the lamb side while the lion side will be seen by unrepentant sinners. Anyone who continues sinning will get to a point of no return, a point that is beyond repair. Has the lord been warning you about a particular sin and each time you ignore, this is another warning, don’t get to a point where there will be divine verdict like the king in the passage before us. Before heaven will give up on you why not call him now, the bible says, seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts, let them turn to the LORD and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon (Isaiah 55:6-7).
God is also warning all our leaders at various political levels, if you are close to them, tell them of God’s impending danger if they fail to repent. Some of them have gotten to a point that is beyond repair. Repent now, tomorrow may be too late. Shalom.
I confess all my sins today, have mercy on me Lord, in Jesus’ name.
Every stubborn spirit making me to take grace of God for granted, lose your grip over my life, in Jesus’ name
Mercy will locate every of our leaders that are at the point of no return, in Jesus’ name.
Oh Lord arise and deliver Nigeria from leaders like Jehoiakim, in Jesus’ name.
Every Jehoiakim in power or contesting for power in the coming election, we destroy your agenda, in Jesus’ name.