Today’s reading:
1 Peter 4:7-11
“But the end of all things is at hand; be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer” (v. 7)
There are a lot of speculations, debates, misgivings, misinterpretations of the scriptures and so on, about the end of all things, among people of our world today. This is even more so among believers too, aside from those not in the faith. The most controversial issues include the timing, especially of the tribulation. Some say it is after the coming and appearing of our Lord in the cloud, (his second coming), as He promised. Yet, Mark 13 and Matthew 24 accounts of Jesus’ response to his disciples’ question, and particularly on this issue, are very clearly documented (Matt. 24:29-31; Mk 13:24-27).
As believers, ours is not to join in the debate, rather we should be “prepared” and ready so that whenever it is, we are qualified to meet our Lord. In fact, between now and whenever, it is likely that many of us would have left the earth, that is, our own “Rapture” (Christ’s coming) would have occurred. The question to ask oneself, as is recorded in 2 Pet 3:11, is that, seeing all things happening around us presently, what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conservation and godliness?
But before we answer this question, it is pertinent to highlight the prophecies in the scriptures, as they concern the end of all things, and also point out the current unmistakable happenings which are fulfilments of them and other related issues. In the Mk.13 and Matt. 24 accounts of the signs of the end of all things, in Jesus’ own words, these are: deceit, wars, rumours of wars, nations rising against nations, famine, troubles, persecution, betrayal, hatred, love of God waxing cold, and all of which Jesus said are beginning of sorrow. Furthermore, it is said that the Gospel will be preached to all nations of the world. After all these, would the son of Man, Jesus Christ, appear in the cloud, and the elects would be gathered by the angels. The end of all things completed (1 Cor. 15:23-24). However, the exact time of the appearance of Christ is unknown to any, even to Christ himself. (Matt. 24:36). It is only known to God, the Father. Paul tells us in 1Thessalonians 5:2, that the day will come like as a thief in the night, unannounced. Also, in Matthew 24:37, it is said that it would be like as the day of Noah, when the flood came upon the earth and the people were unprepared.
Without any doubt, virtually all the listed signs are currently being fulfilled and manifested in our world and time today. We will, therefore, be wise to yield to the warning of Apostle Matthew in Matthew 24:33, that when we shall see all these things (signs), we should know that it is near, even at the door, that is, the end of all things! Now to answer our question of what manner of persons ought we to be? First, we must be ready to suffer for Christ, having the same attitude as him (1Pet. 4:1), not ashamed, but glorify God on his behalf (v. 16).
Next, we should no longer live the rest of our time fulfilling the lust of the flesh and of men, rather, do the will of God (v. 2). We are to put our past worldly living behind us and be determined to make a difference in the world (v.3). Like it is said in 2Peter 3, and in our Today’s reading in verse 7, Apostle Peter recommends that we be alert, sober in mind, watch with praying, not sleeping as also recommended in Mark 13:35-37. Above all things, we are to love one another, knowing that love covers a multitude of sins, God’s kind of love (Agape). We are to show hospitality without grumbling. Spiritually, we are to bless each other and serve among us, with the gifts given us by the Holy Spirit, just as Paul recommended in 1 Cor. 12, 14.
Overall, if we do and live according to the above, at the end of all things on earth, we shall be glorified with Christ, and reign with him till eternity. As true believers, there would be no excuse for us to miss these great blessings, God helping us.
Father, thank you for opening our eyes to the signs of the end of all things.
Father, please teach us by your Holy Spirit to live according to your will.
Lord Jesus, as we await your second coming, help us to be fully prepared.
Father, equip the Church to stand in readiness for Christ’s appearing.
Father, help the Church to make a difference in this difficult time and so impact the nation and the world positively.