Today’s Reading:
2Corin. 5:14-21 (17)
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in him as Saviour], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]." (v. 17 AMPV)
When renovation is going on in an old building, the old paints from the walls are scrapped off. The old windows are scrapped, sand-papered, and wood fillers applied to prepare everything ready for repainting. The outcome of these efforts to the one renovating, looks good but it is not new. The only way to make the window trim look new is to replace the entire wood. Making a weather-damaged window trim look good to us, may look okay. But in the case of our sin-damaged heart, fixing things is not good enough. In the eyes of the Creator God, everything about us needs to be renewed (v. 17).
The beauty of our Salvation is to make everything become new through faith in Christ Jesus, the Author, and the Finisher of our faith. Jesus Christ was made sin, crucified, died, buried, and rose to life again. And so, in the eyes of God the Father, faith in Christ's finished work, automatically, by grace makes us new creature in Him. The Father views everyone who puts faith in Christ and is made new in Him, as brand-new and unblemished.
Sin has caused great damages in our lives and heart, and the pity of it all is that, we cannot fix ourselves by ourselves. This is why we need the Great Master Builder, Jesus Christ, in our lives. He is our Saviour, our Redeemer, and our Advocate with the Father. He alone is able to re-brand and re-create us to fit the purpose of God the Father for our lives. Only in Jesus Christ, can we have a brand-new life, inside and outside.
When we first gave our lives to Christ, a lot of transformation occurred automatically and suddenly in our lives and to us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are automatically transformed into a new person. Also, we gained new potential, new zeal and new thirst for a new motivation and new interests. We may not immediately feel this, but we were automatically placed on the list of God’s family. A new group of people thus manifested in our lives. At this point, we are more open to the Spirit of God, more vulnerable and more willing to confess the wrong in our lives. We develop a new relationship with God where we would long to be in his presence, desire to dig more into the word of God for more understanding and to pray. Because we have become a new creature in Christ!
Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ? If not, do so now, as tomorrow might be too late.
Father, thank you for the knowledge that I am a new creature in Christ Jesus, in Jesus name.
Father, create in me a pure heart, renew a right, teachable and humble spirit within me, in Jesus name.
Every evil kingdom legislating against my life and destiny, expire and scatter, in Jesus name.
Father, fumigate the community of faith with the blood of Jesus, sanitise it from every pollution of darkness and revive your work, in Jesus name.
We fumigate our land with the blood of Jesus and sanitise it from every coven sponsored disease and sickness, in Jesus name.