Today’s Reading:
Mark 11:12-14
Jesus Christ saw the fig tree from afar with expectations that the tree has fruit on it, but when He moved closely, He found out that there was no fruit in it because the tree did not wait for its season before blooming. What lessons can we learn from this experience?
God long for people who won’t look beautiful on the outside alone but will be true and genuine deep down. People who are truly living what they portrayed in the pure and authentic power of God. We also need to understand that if we must live a life that characterised God’s presence, we must be fruitful. As a matter of fact, we also must understand that, you don’t have to be doing the wrong thing to be pruned, it is when you are doing the right things that pruning takes place. In the light of this we must also understand that it is better to be cut back than to be cut off. The story of this tree tells us how Jesus spoke to the tree and henceforth, no fruit came out again as the tree withered.
It is also of importance to know that we can have full control of what we produce depending on those around us as God will use the closest relationship to produce greatest gift. God will give us strength to bear fruit he desires to have. He makes us strong in the spirit, this is our destiny. Remember the gift of God is without repentance and we must live a crucified life so that we do not miss our season. Rom.11:29. Galatians 2:20. As believers there is importance in timing, the tree came out beautiful when it was not its time and it suffered for it.
The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof, the world and all that dwells therein.
When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
All hail the power of Jesus name; let angels prostrate fall.
Lord May my life not disappoint you, in Jesus name.
Lord may I not miss my time and May my time not elude me, in Jesus name.
Lord I receive strength to bear fruit in my season, in Jesus name.
Lord let Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.
Father, let the earth be filled with Your glory as the waters cover the sea, in Jesus name Amen.