Today’s Reading:
Ruth 1:6-7

I know we will not continue to live our live as a nation like this forever. I am sure that the God of heavens and earth will soon come to our aid by visitating us and turning our predicaments away. Therefore, as a nation, families, and individuals, it is very much needful for us to have hope and patient as we await God’s visitation.
After some time (a relatively long time) the Lord came to the aid of the children of Israel and provided food for them to the extent that the news spread quickly to Moab. Whatever you are going through as an individuals, in your family or over the cases of your children, I have assurance within me that the Lord will soon come to your aid, He will turn your predicament around and put testimonies in your mouth. Only do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward (Heb. 10:35-37) for our nation, Nigeria- if all of us will be hopeful and turn away from our sins, God will surely come for our aid (Gen 50:24).
For Nigeria, the promised land is a beautiful future awaits us. So do not give up on Nigeria. Also, if you are already losing hope over your situation and circumstances, may the Lord God resurrect your dying or dead hope in Jesus name. Amen.
Father give me a living hope over every aspect of my life, in Jesus name.
I refuse to lose heart over my family situation, in Jesus name.
I am Destine for success and greatness I will get there, in Jesus name .
Nigeria! receive divine turn around for good, in Jesus name.