Today’s Reading:
I John 4:1-6
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit but test the spirit to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (I John 4:1)
The word TESTER has been used in various fields of study. It could mean a person, product or machine depending on the environment. Irrespective of the field of study, the essence of tester could actually mean the same thing or geared toward the same purpose and it is meant to validate or establish the originality of another product, person or machine. Until something or someone is tested, that thing or person cannot be approved and vouched for. Even our God cannot trust anyone with something worthwhile and valuable until the heart of such a person is tested and given divine approval.
Apostle John draws our attention to something vital in the kingdom and especially in our dispensation. The first sentence is worthy of note: Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits. The beloved is someone loved by the Lord and vice versa. One can say that beloved are God’s children. Are you a child of God indeed? As children of God you are not expected to believe every spirit rather you are expected to test them. That means children of God (Beloved) are testers. But for anyone to be a correct tester, he also must have been tested and approved. Do not take everything hook-line and sinker because many false prophets have gone out into the world. If John said many have gone out in his days, it shows that in our days, they are numerous like the sand at the sea shore.
The false prophets can be recognised by asking yourself the following questions:
Is the spirit speaking of God through me? (v. 1): The spirit of God can never go against the Scripture. Whatever any prophet says that is contrary to the Bible then such prophet and prophecy are false. If a prophet asks you to do something, place it side by side with the Scripture. The Scripture is number one instrument to test the correctness of a prophet and his prophecy.
Do such prophets confess Jesus has come in the flesh (v. 2): If anyone says Jesus was not fully God and fully man, then it is false. There is no two ways to it, He is God and he came as man. Anything short of this is out of place.
Do such prophets confess Jesus? (v. 3): To confess Jesus means to accept him as Lord and Saviour. It means to see Jesus as supreme in everything. If any prophet’s ministration is not pointing to Jesus, then he is fake. Each time the prophet ministers, does he give altar calls and point sinners to the cross? Does his message condemn sin? Some prophets rarely speak about sin rather they encourage people to sow seed and ignore the souls of men even if they are heading to hell. That verse 3 calls them antichrist. Everything they do are against Christ.
Does the Spirit of God in you agree that the prophet is a child of God? (v. 4): Another parameter to test whether a prophet is false or not is whether the Spirit of God in you agrees with the spirit in that prophet. Once the Spirit of God in you disagrees with that prophet, then caution must be taken.
Does the prophet’s word agree with that of the world? (v. 5): In Matthew 7:6, the Bible says by their fruit we shall know them. If both the life of the prophet in the open and secret match with that of the world system, then it is crystal clear that he is of the world and he is a false prophet. Check his marital life, his relationship with opposite sex among other things will help you see the authenticity of that prophet.
Does he possess the Spirit of truth (v. 6): The Spirit of God in every child of God is one. And that Spirit speaks the truth always. If a prophet is a liar, then he is fake. These false prophets have sweet tongues to deceive people and make them do their bidding.
Henceforth, you are expected to be a tester. As a child of God use the above parameters to check how genuine a prophet is and other means through which the Holy Spirit will help you especially using discerning spirit.
Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth, Or even You had formed the earth and the world. Even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God.
Lord, expose all the works of the false prophets in our generation, in Jesus name.
For as many who are in the bondage of these false prophets, receive your freedom in Jesus name.
I shall not be a victim of the false prophets, in Jesus name.
Father, we surrender our children to Your fatherly care, teach them, and guide their steps in your way of righteousness, in Jesus name.
Father, take charge of the thoughts and actions of our leaders, align them into your plan for this season, in Jesus name Amen.