“Yes, I am confirming my covenant with you. Never again will flood waters kill all living creatures; never again will a flood destroy the earth.” (v. 11 NLT)
Man will always be man, while God will continue to be God. The humanity in man more often than not make man renege on his promise, while on the other hand, God in His faithfulness will always do whatever He promises. He is a covenant keeping God. A Covenant is an oath-bound promise whereby one-party solemn pledges to bless or serve another party in some specified way.
After the flood that swept away every living creature except Noah, his family and few other living creatures in the Ark, God assured Noah using rainbow as a sign not to destroy the earth with flood again. The assurance that God is still keeping His promise should enable you to trust Him and hold on to Him because His promises are ‘Yes and Amen’.
Similarly, that you have Jesus is a great assurance that you will overcome your life challenges. Also, the assurance that God is faithful is an encouragement to believers passing through temptations, trials, and troubles to stand firm and be consistent in their Christian living. Again, believers can have assurance of deliverance from the judgment to come. Those who come to Jesus Christ by faith have assurance of salvation. The solution to your problems is in His word; will you trust and focus your attention on His word? If God could still be faithful to the promise, He made over 4000 years ago that He would not destroy the earth with flood using rainbow as a symbol of His covenant with man which still stands till date. It then shows that God unlike man is reliable and He will always fulfil His promise in our lives even when it sometimes look delayed. Therefore, I encourage you today to shake out fear and doubt from your spirit, soul, and body. Get hold of God's word, do not be weary and hold on to Him.
1. Thank God for His faithfulness, unconditional love, and awesomeness, in Jesus name.
2.Father subdue every spirit of fear, doubt, and forgetfulness under the authority of your word, in Jesus name.
3. Father give us the spirit of faith, patience, and boldness to rely on your word, in Jesus name.
4. Father give your Church grace, faith, and courage to always stand on your word, in Jesus name.
5. Father have mercy on our nation, and give us the right attitude that will enable us to do things that will bring glory to your name, in Jesus name.