Today’s Reading:
Mark 5 : 18 – 20

Beloved, we often talk of appreciating God through singing praises, giving offering & tithes, through prayer and so on but today, I want you to see another especially important way of appreciating God’s goodness to us; Through witnessing.
According to our passage for today, I define witnessing as: telling others what Jesus has done for you in a way that amazes them and thus lead them to make a decision for salvation. In the passage Mark 5: 1 – 16, we saw the story of a man whose life was nothing to write home about before he met Jesus. The devil had succeeded in destroying all he had. And in him resided, thousands of demons tormenting him day and night.
But, his encounter with Jesus changed his total being. Jesus gave him a new life, a new song, a new story, a hope for living and a message for the world. The man went about and began to talk about what Jesus had done for him in “Ten cities” (Decapolis). He understood that a way to appreciate Jesus is to make him known to people through what he had done for him. My dear friend, have you been saved? If yes, Then you have a story to tell to the world. Has the Lord done anything for you? Think on this “If not for Jesus where or who will you be?”. I can hear the Lord saying to you today as he said to that man “Go to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you”.
Thank God you have prayed, you have sang and given offering to appreciate God for what he has done for you or your family. Appreciate Him now by telling the world your encounter with Jesus. Get up and let’s tell the world your story to amaze the world on who this Jesus is. The Lord will accept your appreciation in Jesus name.
Father I thank you for giving me the grace to see another day you have made, in Jesus name.
O Lord, give me the grace to always see a reason to present what you have done for me to this world, in Jesus name.
I overcome every spirit of fear in my life, in Jesus name.
O Lord, please restore the gospel message on our pulpits, in Jesus name.
Jesus, save this nation, let more souls be saved, in Jesus name.