Today’s Readings:
Acts 8:26-40;
Psalm 66:8-9,16-17,20;
John 6:44-51
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “No one can come to me unless he or she is drawn by the Father who sent me, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44). It is not a mistake that you have received this reflection today. God is initiating contact with you just as He did with the Ethiopian eunuch. The eunuch was drawn to Jerusalem on pilgrimage. Afterwards, he found himself drawn to reading the Prophecy of Isaiah. When he was ready, the Spirit of God sent Philip to instruct him in the Christian faith and baptise Him.
If you are baptised, you have entered into the most important relationship of your life. Your relationship with God is the source and destination of your life. It is the foundation for all your relationships. It is your solid rock when other grounds begin to sink. It is your refuge when the storms of life begin to threaten you and cause fear. But you should not just sit idly bye and let your life run on autopilot. There are things you must do to ensure that you remain securely fastened to Christ who has drawn you to Himself. Here are a few tips that I apply daily:
Begin your day by inviting the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, words and actions each new day.
Read the Scriptures. Begin by signing the Cross on your forehead, lips and chest and invite God to be in your mind, your heart and lips to know Him, love Him and proclaim Him by a worthy way of life.
Frequently take the Holy Communion. With repentance confess your sin.
Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to say No! to temptation and sin. These are indispensable if you wish to grow spiritually.
Pray always and consistently. Prayer is part of very powerful instrument to remain holy and joyful.
Dispose yourself (like Philip) to be used by God to bring others to Him. It may be something as simple as sharing daily devotionals to your update or check on your friends. Just be disposed to be God’s instrument.
Do your work well. Make sure that you give a hundred percent each time and never seek to cheat anyone. Your work is a contribution to God’s work on earth.
Never give worry a place in your life. When you are tempted to worry, pray. If you cannot pray for yourself, ask your friends to pray with you. You need to keep your strength going.
O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens!
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.
O Lord God draw me closer to Yourself, protect me from the evils that fly in the day or lay hidden at night, in Jesus name.
O Lord go before me and stand behind me to protect and guide me always, in Jesus’ name.
Lord visit Christian homes with Your love, Your mercy and Your power; mend faulty and cracked relationships and restore peace and comfort and Your righteousness, in Jesus name.
Lord restore love, peace and harmony of purpose in nations of the world, especially our nation Nigeria, in Jesus name. Amen.