Today’s Reading:
Psalm 129
Jeremiah 39: 1-18
James 5: 7-12
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all. 20: He keeps all his bones: not one of them is broken.” (Psalm 34:19-20)

The above scriptures capture the essence of today’s message. As Christians, we must understand the reality of our existence that we are here to serve the Lord and propagate the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Christianity is not a tea party. Life is not a bed of roses.
Without exception, we all have our challenges, we have issues like failing health, our finances that need to be improved upon in order to keep our family moving, our relationships that may have gone sour probably because the other partner has in one way or the other breached the trust we have in them forgetting the fact that we are all human and we have our own faults too, our children’s battle with the challenges they face when they are not with us and are faced with peer pressure, our looks that maybe make us feel inadequate forgetting the fact that God created us in his own image and he even assured us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We worry most times about what others think or say about us, which tend to keep us on edge and impede our progress in life.
For that reason, the verse ‘Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken’ (Psalm 55:22), reminds us of where the power to stop anxiety from moving in and messing our lives up reside. So get to know your most common worries and the moment any one surfaces, rather than dwell on it, hand it over to He who has promised to never leave nor forsake us and all will be well with you and yours. In effect we should be anxious for nothing but pray about everything. We should by our good deeds and behaviour keep our relevance in God's vineyard.
We must read our Bible and meditate on the Scriptures everyday. We must praise him every day of our lives for the His mercy and grace upon us. Most importantly forgiveness is key that unlocks God’s blessings upon us. God searches our hearts. Make up your mind today that in good times and bad times we will trust him. We are reminded in Proverbs 3:5-6 to trust in the LORD with all our hearts; and lean not unto our own understanding. In all our ways we should acknowledge him, and he shall direct our paths.
Lord our Father, give us the strength to overcome afflictions in the name of Jesus.
Lord, let us learn to trust in you at all times in the name of Jesus.
Lord, lead us in the way of your righteousness and do not let us depart from it in the name of Jesus.
We cover our children, friends, relatives and the church with the blood of Jesus.
Lord, in your mercy Redeem our Nation back to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour, Amen.