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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe

Updated: Jan 2, 2022


Today’s Reading:

Job 1:10a; Zechariah 2:5-9


After the return of the children of Israel from East, the West, the North. and the South, from all the places God scattered them because of their hard heart; they began the rebuilding of both the wall of Jerusalem and the Temple. The Lord commissioned Prophet Zechariah to bring messages of encouragement to them so that they will be able to focus on the task ahead of them.

According to his name Zechariah (Yahweh Remembers or Yahweh has Remembered), he seeks to encourage them to action rather than issuing strong words of rebuke. The Almighty God loves His children beyond what words can express. We serve a faithful and loving God. When we stray, we become repulsive to things of God and to God himself. A good example is a prodigal son ( Luke 15:11-32), and Samson (Judges 13-17). In their foolishness, God still heard their prayers. God also protected the Israelites from being hurt or killed by Pharaoh and his chariots and riders when passing through the Red Sea into the Promised Land. And during the time of Joshua, God fought all their battles (Joshua 5:13).

So, you see God's willingness to help, save and protect anyone who truly and sincerely call for help. He heard our cry for help because he has promised He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5c KJV). The story of Job when disaster befell him, is an example of what happens to anyone from whom God withdraws His protection because of sin. Although in the case of Job, we read that he was righteous before God, God wanted to showcase his righteousness before Satan. (Job 1:14‭-‬19 KJV)‬‬‬. An so the words of this verse that “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” (John 10:10‭-‬11 KJV).


Jesus Christ paid the ultimate prize to protect, save and deliver us from the enemy and his cohorts (Eph. 6:12). Why not decide today to surrender your life to the lordship of our Jesus Christ.




  1. Thank You, Lord, for Your word today, in Jesus name.

  2. Thank You, heavenly Father, for life, sight, good health, sound mind, and hope of years to come, in Jesus name.

  3. Father, in Your mercy, remove every illusion, and tricks of the enemy around my life; expose every evil plan of the enemy to fear to unsettle my faith and hope in You, in Jesus name.

  4. Father, rebuild my faith, my hope in You, and help me to only lean on You, in Jesus name.

  5. Father Lord, after the order of Israel’s deliverance from the taskmaster in Egypt; deliver our nation, Nigeria from slavery, banditry, and fear of being kidnapped and killed, in Jesus name.

  6. Father Lord, grant your ministers the boldness to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel, in Jesus mighty name.

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