Today’s Reading: Psalm 102:1-17;
Prov. 3:13-18; John 8:31-38
“hear my prayer, oh LORD, and let my cry come to you.”

Psalm102 is an individual lament written by an unknown author. Though the suffering of the psalmist appears very personal (verses1-11) yet he does not look for personal deliverance, rather he looks for national restoration (verses12-23). It is very possible therefore, that his suffering was not really caused by personal problems but because he carried in his heart the suffering of the whole nation of Israel.
Affliction is a state of pain, suffering, distress, or agony. It may be self-inflicted or otherwise. But affliction is not a friend of one’s soul. Some people experience self-inflicted affliction examples include an individual who is addicted to smoking, liquor or bad habit. Addiction is a form of self-inflicted affliction. One may be enslaved, battered, and beaten yet he does not know the way out. It is even possible to be enjoying the addiction in one aspect but actually affecting major aspect of one’s life yet cannot stop it.
Are you also afflicted by anything whether internal or external, you have tried all the methods to stop it but you are frustrated? Why not cry out to God for help as the Psalmist does in the text above. You may need to have an accountable partner who is more matured and spiritually inclined, such a person will be able to monitor and help you out. Fighting the battle alone may not be an easy ride. Devil will tell you that you cannot overcome, that you should continue with it. But be rest assured that God is on your side and victory is ascertained in Jesus name.
James Alade
Prayer Points:
I come before you Lord to confess my weaknesses, Lord help me, in Jesus name.
Every form of affliction that has led to addiction and enslavement I receive my freedom today by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
I curse ever power of affliction in my life to die, in Jesus name.
I decree into every life under the bondage of sin that they are free, in Jesus name.
Power of the Lord will visit our nation and the church for total victory in Jesus name