Today’s Reading:
John 11:47-57
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your responsible service.” (Romans 12:1)

I welcome you into this day. The Lord God will make every evil conspiracy and demonic gang up to work together for your good, in Jesus mighty name. John 11:47 – “Then gathered the chief priest and Pharisees council to agree, to scheme, to deliberate on how best to bind, to nail him by what he says, to make him stumble. They planned to put an end to every good work and God’s purpose so that he will not fulfil or accomplish heaven’s mandate and purpose of his birth and calling. Quickly pray with Isaiah 54:15 (KJV).
As many as gathered against me, according to your work, cause them to scatter. I will fulfil and accomplish the purpose of my birth. Deuteronomy 28:7. Lord smite them and scatter them before me and family. I shall not fall or fail you.
The Sadducees and Pharisees are usually in opposition, but they agreed on this occasion because they felt threatened by Jesus teaching and miraculous signs and wonders, and they were scared of losing their relevance.
Ask God to scatter every conspiracy over your life, purpose, family (children, wife, and husband) and ministry in Jesus name.
Joseph was conspired against. Genesis 37:18
David was conspired against 1 Sam 19:1
Paul was conspired against Acts 23:12
Daniel was conspired Daniel 6:4
But in all, God’s purpose prevailed, and their future was secured.
Jesus, keep me near the cross. Let you love and mercy find me, in Jesus name.
Help me walk from day to day, hoping trusting in you for the rest of my life, in Jesus name.
Let my glory be in the cross, in Jesus name.
Scatter every coalition, congregation, and counsel against our well-being as a people and as a nation in Jesus name.
I destroy every conspiracy over the peace and sanity of Nigeria Jesus name