Today’s Reading:
MARK 8: 22-26
"And they came to Bethsaida, and some people brought to him a blind man, and begged him to touch him.” (v. 22)
To be blind means to be in darkness either physically or spiritually. The bible often uses the imagery of blindness to describe our spiritual state before Salvation. In one of His rebukes of the Pharisees, Jesus describes them as blind. And when He questions His disciples’ true understanding, He sees them as having eyes and does not see. Jesus performed an incredible miracle which is restoring the physical sight of a blind man. On its own, the miracle reveals the power of Jesus and His compassion towards those in need. We are all born spiritually blind, and it is only Jesus Christ that can open our blind eyes.
As Jesus and His disciples arrive in Bethsaida (on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee) a blind man is brought to Jesus to be healed. Here we see a man with a condition that he cannot change, but who is brought to Jesus by those who believe that He has the power to help. In a similar way, none of us has the ability to open the spiritually blind eyes of another person, but as we are faithful to introduce that person to Jesus through the message of the Gospel, God can give them sight. Jesus takes the man aside, anoints him with spit and lays hand on him. In most cases, Jesus heals immediately and fully with just a word or a touch, but this miracle is different. Instead of making a pronouncement or giving a command, Jesus asks a question about the effectiveness of the healing. The man’s answer reveals that his sight has only been partially restored. It seems that progressive healing is a means of helping the disciples to see the difference between partial and complete sight.
After the partial healing, Jesus touches the man again leading to the full restoration of his sight. As we keep reading, we also see that this miracle serves as a turning point for the disciples. While the previous passage is about their inability to see, in the next passage Peter declares his belief in Jesus as the Christ, marking a clear transition in the faith of the disciples.
Until the work of Jesus on the cross is completed Jesus continues to command silence from those who see His power revealed. As we consider this miracle, we should be reminded of our need to share the good news of Jesus. We have been called to share the message of Jesus Christ who gives sight to the blind.
I refused to have partial healing; I receive complete healing in my sight, in Jesus name.
God of heaven and earth have compassion on me, let there be a miracle that will bring about the restoration of everything that the enemy has taken away in my life, family, and marriage, in Jesus name.
Lord, give me, my wife, and my children your peace that surpasses all human understanding. Let us experience good health, a sound mind, a financial breakthrough on all sides, in Jesus name.
Every power of sickness upon the economy of Nigeria I command you to be destroyed, in Jesus name.
Father by Your power touch all our spiritual leaders that they may see clearly from now forward, in Jesus name Amen.