Today’s Readings:
1 Corinthians 2:10-16; Psalm 145:8-14; Luke 4:31-37

O boy, wetin u dey tink?
Mehn, I just dey tink how I go take get money to do one or two tins.
How go dey go?
O boy country hard o. I need money to sort one or two tins.
This is the average conversation you are likely to have with others today. We are what we preoccupy our minds with. If we are consumed with thoughts about making money, that is where all our energy will be directed to. But are we just money-making machines?
Saint Paul says that, “A spiritual person is able to judge the value of everything and his own value is not be judged by others.” (1 Corinthians 2:15). This means that there is more to you than meets the eyes. By faith, we know that we have a higher value than what others can see.
Here are seven signs that you are thinking spiritually:
I am made of spirit, soul and body. I have to take care of all three aspects of my being.
Jesus who is God came into this world and died to set me free from sin and eternal death. This means that I am loved beyond measure.
I will make effort in all I do today, and God will supply my needs.
My good and bad actions have eternal consequences.
My body is God's temple and my actions (the use of my time, talents and treasure) leave a lasting impression on others.
No matter how much of material things I gather in my lifetime, they cannot satisfy me.
Lass, this world is not my home. I am on my way to heaven my true home.
Did I leave anything out? I want to hear from you.
Lord, you are Giver of all that is good. You long to dwell in us as your temple. You have cleanse us from sin and given us salvation.
Fill us with reverence for your holy name, provide for our needs and keep us safe for eternal life. in Jesus name. Amen.