Hebrews 5:1-10
Psalm 110:1-4
Mark 2:18-22

Through Baptism and Confrimation, Christians share an awesome privilege, a power to connect with God on a special level. Some take this privilege for granted because they do not understand it. But it remains the basis for our spiritual life, our work and our interaction with the world and with one another. We are a priestly people. We are set apart by God, strengthened by Him and sent into the world to sanctify it (make it holy) and raise it to an enviable level of dignity and prestige. This sounds like a lot to take in, in one read. But simply put, you are not an ordinary person. There is nothing ordinary about you. You are from God and you are returning to God. As you journey through life, remember who you are and take others along with you to heaven.
Here are five things that should be the hallmark of your life and activities this week. They will transform you and those around you:
COMPANIONSHIP – We all need people in our lives. We need parents to ground us in good values. We need siblings to show us how to interact and agree to disagree. We need friends to teach us selflessness and sacrifice. We need enemies and critics to help us stay focused. We need mentors to teach us discipline. We need spiritual directors to remind us that we are in a relationship with God. No one is an island.
CONTENTMENT – St Peter reminds us that God has given us everything we need. Yes, everything (2Peter 1:3-4). Our chase after material things is what robs us of peace and true joy. Seeking your daily bread is good and worthwhile. Striving for good grades in school is very important. But in order to find contentment, you have to look inwards and appreciate your God-given beauty. Nothing can fill the void of sadness in your heart except God. Money can buy you comfort but it cannot buy you peace. Seek peace in God always.
COMMITMENT – One of Mother Teresa’s most recognized prayers came to be known as her “business card:” “The fruit of silence is prayer; the fruit of prayer is faith; the fruit of faith is love; the fruit of love is service; the fruit of service is peace.” These words are the secret of her success in the ministry of caring for the poor. You need a prayer or anchor verse from Scripture when you lack the motivation to do your work or continue in marriage or build your career. This is because without commitment, nothing grows.
CONSISTENCY – If commitment ensures growth, consistency secures success. The difference between success and failure is consistency. If you show up every day, do what you are supposed to do, find ways to make it better, listen to constructive criticism, build a community of like-minded, goal-oriented, success-driven people, you will surely succeed. And in all your successes, remember to strive after holiness.
COURAGE – It takes courage to begin anything at all. It takes courage to even rise out of bed in the morning and begin your daily grind. One thing that makes this easier is faith which is expressed in prayer. Begin your day with prayer. Hold God’s hand as you go through the day. Send up words of prayer at different points in the day. Make the sign of the Cross often. Trust that God hears every word you utter. Make a proclamation in faith. Tell Him you want to succeed, and doors will begin to open up for you because it is His job to make things happen.
Praise ye that Lord, O give thinks unto the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.
Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can shew forth all his praise?
Blessed are they that keep judgement, and he that doeth righteousness at all times.
May the grace of God go before me, be above me and inspire me, in Jesus name.
May the peace of Christ flood heart and extend to everyone I meet, in Jesus name.
May all my plans succeed and may joy, and divine favour be mine always through Christ our Lord.
Lord we commit our children, youths and young adults to your fatherly care, keep them in Your secret place and let them abide under the shadow of Your arm, in Jesus name.
O Lord, create in the body of Christ the hunger and thirst for Your word and fill us with Your love, in Jesus name.
O Lord, remember Your plan for our land, and deliver, and redeem us and our land from the forces of destruction and judgment, in Jesus name. Amen.